New milling machine for Airbus wings

Project Services: Team Service:
Field Machining Project

A unique pylon milling machine designed and produced for BAE Systems Airbus United Kingdom by Team, is used in the manufacture of the wings for the new variant Airbus A340-600.

Need and Challenge:

To overcome the need to remove the plateaux (part of the wing) to be milled flat for a precise fit, as well as avoiding the risk of distortion when re-fitted to the aircraft.

Solution and Outcome:

A unique pylon milling machine designed and produced for BAE Systems Airbus United Kingdom by Team, is used in the manufacture of the wings for the new variant Airbus A340-600. Team worked closely with Airbus UK on this latest variant of the Airbus A340-600 at the jig development stage, using the latest computer-aided 3D design, so that the milling machine and jig designs could be integrated, to achieve optimum performance. The lightweight milling machine is designed to attach to the A-frame jig to enable the part of the wing known as the plateau, to which the pylons holding the outboard engines are attached, to be milled in-situ on the wing jig.

The result is a highly accurate, ‘picture frame’ milling machine 800-900mm square and 500mm deep built using light-weight materials (ensuring that the A-frames are not distorted when the machine is mounted), that will mill to an accuracy of within less than 0.1mm. Their use saves up to 16 hours in the time taken to make each set of wings. The time and cost benefits are substantial.

This work may have been performed by a company subsequently acquired by TEAM.

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