Electro Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT)

Electro Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT)  is a high speed ultrasonic testing technique that utilizes Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers to screen pipes, tanks, vessels, heater tubes and other structures for flaw detection and corrosion/erosion measurement. EMAT does not require a couplant for transmitting sound, which makes it well suited for inspection of hot parts, and integrated in automated environments. This service can inspect through coatings and is not affected by pollutants or oxidation and are capable of inspecting large areas.

TEAM can help your company:

  • Provide instant and accurate results
  • Detect surface breaking and internal imperfections
  • Measure material thickness
  • Determine imperfections throughout the entire material thickness, and may be used with access to only one surface
  • Determine acceptance or rejection of a test object based on a reference code or standard


TEAM NDE / NDT Inspection Overview Brochure

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