U.S. Navy Relies on TEAM’s Expertise

TEAM was engaged via a government contractor to apply its Critical Tolerance Application to pedestals on Navy battleships. These pedestals serve as the foundation for each ship’s communication satellite capturing antenna.
In order for the U.S. Navy to maintain one of its most critical components, it’s remote communications system, it turned to TEAM to provide not only worldwide ongoing machining services, but also the highestquality precision equipment to get the job done.
TEAM was engaged via a government contractor to apply its Critical Tolerance Application to pedestals on Navy battleships. These pedestals serve as the foundation for each ship’s communication satellite capturing antenna.
TEAM does onsite precision milling of these pedestals each time the Navy needs to upgrade the signal antenna. The two machines TEAM uses to accomplish this are the Silk 48-96 and the Silk 6-30. The Silk machines are mounted and leveled to the ship’s gyrocompass by NAVSEA Laser Alignment Personnel. Once mounted, TEAM technicians use the Silk equipment to level the antenna and mounting surfaces.
It’s vital for TEAM’s component of the upgrade to be machined to an extremely tight tolerance. This is because the antenna must be level to the ship’s gyroscope within a few thousands of an inch in order to be effective. Any deviation to the antenna’s alignment could affect the ship’s communication capabilities.
The fact that TEAM is consistently selected to perform this delicate and vital work can be directly attributed to the Company’s quality and efficiency. TEAM continues to prove to our contracting partner, as well as the Navy, that we have the most qualified technicians that are capable of doing the work faster and more efficiently than the competition.